Thank You for Subscribing to the You Pick Subscription

We are very excited to start our correspondence with you or yours. There are a few things we need to know before beginning. You will receive an email with the following questions and an image list to chose which images you would like us to send during the subscription.

  1. Did you include the name and address of the recipient?
  2. Is there a special date when you would like the subscription to begin?
  3. How often would you like the cards to be sent (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and so on)?
  4. If you are gifting this service, do you want us to mention you in the correspondence, and if so, what name would you like us to use?
  5. Is there something special you would like us to say in any of the messages? If you would like to include your own message with each correspondence, let us know and we can set-up an email schedule of when we need each message (please limit messages to 300 characters).
  6. Do you want us to acknowledge certain holidays, events, or birthdays? If so which, what, and when?
  7. Do you want to be emailed each time a postcard is sent?
  8. Is there anything else you feel we should know to make this correspondence special or meaningful?

Thank you for your order!

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